Exciting things continue to happen in the small town of Winifred. Through the instigation of Norman Asbjornson, and a composite of other local designers’ ideas, a beautiful hotel, restaurant, and bowling alley facility have been constructed under the name of Winifred International Suites.
There is an acid image of a flat world map on the hotel’s entrance wall, along with two beautiful windows, designed with special vinyl that looks like stained glass. They depict the crossings in the nearby Missouri River Breaks National Monument. The Monument area offers significant historical and unique geological features. One window is a scene from the PN hill looking over the area and the other is of the Stafford Ferry Crossings from photos by Gordon Wichman of Mid-State Signs, the Winifred company that created the windows.
The hotel contains seven guest rooms with king size beds plus the European Hostel Room. This room contains eight twin beds, convenient for a group. Each bedroom has a special theme such as the New York Room, the San Francisco Room, the Amsterdam Room, and the Paris Room. Each window will have a large outside image of an item pertaining to that area.
The Winifred International Suites restaurant is the railroad-themed 1080 Steak House. It was named after the Milwaukee Railroad steam locomotive that came to Winifred beginning in 1913. A model replica of the train runs on tracks within the restaurant.
The Red Roof Lane bowling alley offers entertainment and league playing in its four lanes.
Winifred is located 38 miles north of Lewistown on Montana Highway 236.
For further information and hotel reservations contact Frank Carr at 406-462-5468 or 406-462-5323.