Golf seems like a leisurely sport, but each course is a battlefield, rife with obstacles and hazards.
Hook the ball on the drive? It plummets into no man’s land. Slip up on your putt? It’s the bunker for you. Overshoot the bend? Bye-bye, ball!
Like a general, the golfer must know the shape of every club and every slope in the terrain if he is to achieve victory—the coveted par game!
“Every single hole out of eighteen is its own glorious battle to be won or lost,” writes Richard T. Rossberg in the forward of his new book, Wilson Goes to War.
Published in November 2019 by Old Butte Publishing, Wilson Goes to War recounts the best game of Rossberg’s life from the perspective of his ordinary, inexpensive Wilson-brand golf ball.
“It turned out to be a great choice, because I loved yelling at them just like Tom Hanks yelled at his volleyball in the movie [Castaway],” writes the author. “Wilsons started to take on a life of their own.”
Wilson Goes to War is a charming read that golfers of any skill level should relate to.
“All golfers have thought of their ball as being alive, whether they realize it or not!” laughs Rossberg.
When a golfer whiffs it on his swing, it’s often the ball that gets cussed out for it. Rossberg is pretty hard on “Wilson” at times, and regular golfers are sure to get a kick out of it.
That said, this book is not exclusively for golfers. Anyone can have a laugh over Wilson’s exploits. Rossberg’s storytelling style makes Wilson Goes to War accessible to everyone. If you’re one of those people who thinks golf is boring, well, you haven’t met Wilson!
Wilson Goes to War is available at all three golf courses in the Great Falls area and also at Rossberg’s motor sports company, Savage Motosports, LLC. Throughout summer 2020, Rossberg plans to distribute his book to golf courses around north central Montana.
For more information, call (406) 761-3151.