A Positive Outlook

“It started on a Sunday,” remembers Dylan Polzin. “My foot was tingling, numb.” At first, Dylan didn’t think much of it. He was 30 years old and in good health. The problem, he thought, was just [...]

Breathing Life into the Big Sandy Library

We often refer to a place as being “the heart of the community,” but each community has several vital organs. A school, a grocery store, a hospital or clinic—these are the institutions that all [...]

Pink is for Fighters

By Tiffany Sweeney October is all about pumpkin spice, apple cider, and pink for breast cancer awareness—pink in a multitude of colors to remind us to perform breast exams and support those that [...]

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

Text by Brad Reynolds, Photos by Jack Cantrell The mine was sick, and all of Butte knew it. In 1983, Don Peoples Sr., chief executive of mining operations, told reporters it was like “being told [...]

Sounds like Heaven

By Brad Reynolds Music is the fire that fuels our feet. It moves our minds and spurs our souls. It anchors us in times of turbulence. It soothes us in times of pain. Music is the thread that [...]