By Brad Reynolds

Mankind has always had a complex relationship with nature. We’ve been its steward and beneficiary, its pillager and prey, a territorial competitor, and an admirer of its grandeur. Our connections fluctuate with wild variance, but there is always a connection; never have we been—nor will we ever be—independent from nature.

In the wilds due east of Lincoln, Montana, Blackfoot Pathways portrays this fluid relationship through art. More than a dozen sculptures, magnificent in size and skill, lie throughout the 26-acre “land art” park, tied together by a meandering walking path. Each divide in the trail reveals a new area to be explored. Around every bend is a captivating artwork against the backdrop of nature’s innate artistry.

Established in 2014, Blackfoot Pathways arose out of an International Sculpture Symposium in Lincoln. Five artists from around the world converged on the small community and met with locals to develop six site-specific works of art—visual representations of the Blackfoot Valley’s environmental and industrial legacy. Each subsequent year has been met with new installations to this park which entwines local history, nature, and culture in a way that no gallery or museum could replicate.

The park—and its incredible works within—can be experienced free of charge, year-round. Artists will be creating new works on site September 10-28, with the official 2018 sculpture launch on September 29 at 2pm.
For more information on this and other events, visit

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