
At the heart of the Ruby River Valley, Sheridan offers easy access to seven mountain ranges, where hiking, hunting, camping, fishing, and backpacking can be enjoyed.

Ruby Valley B&B

Nestled between the Tobacco Root and Ruby Mountains, the Ruby Valley B&B is an 1800s Victorian mansion with old- style Western comfort.

Robber’s Roost

Five miles north of Alder is Robber’s Roost, an old stage stop where gangs used to hang out. It is open to the public and features an antique store and museum.

St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church
Built in 1901, St. Mary’s Assumption Church remains open and active. Visitors can take in the church’s striking atmosphere, including its stained glass windows and antique benches.


Visitors to Alder can search for garnets and other stones south of town at a gem mine which is open to the public.

Nevada City

Nevada City was Montana’s first incorporated city (February 9, 1865). Today, the town consists of an open-air museum that includes 108 buildings, 14 of which are original. Nevada City is also home to North America’s largest collection of automated music machines.

Virginia City

Home to the oldest operational Opera House west of the Mississippi (featuring the Virginia City Players six nights a week), Virginia City is where the West lives on. Visitors can enjoy living history activities, tours, outdoor recreation, dining, and other Old West- style entertainment.

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