The Dime

Author Unknown Bobby was getting cold sitting out in his back yard in the snow. Bobby didn’t wear boots; he didn’t like them and anyway he didn’t own any. The thin sneakers he wore had a few [...]

A Long Winter Sleep

By Marlene Affeld There is fresh snow on the high mountain ridges, a bone chilling wind from the west rattles the tamarack, scattering golden needles across the forest floor. Tendrils of silver [...]

Rabbit’s Wish for Christmas

(A Narragansett Legend) Long in the way time past time, rabbits had very short ears. They had very long tails. They had long, straight arms and long, straight legs. Very different than the way [...]

Chinook Winds: A False Spring

By Marlene Affeld People who have spent some time in Montana tell eerie tales of the warm winter winds. Have you ever experienced a chinook? If so, you surely remember the sudden change in the [...]

The Golden Cobwebs

Author Unknown It was before Christmas, and the tree was all trimmed with popcorn and silver nuts and pretty glass balls and little wooden toys, and stood safely out of sight in a room where the [...]

The Miracle

Author Unknown The violent grinding of brakes suddenly applied, and the harsh creaking of skidding wheels gradually died away as the big car came to a stop. Eddie quickly picked himself up from [...]

Survivors Part 6

Gretchen Swift & Tammy Nicola Gretchen Swift and Tammy Nicola aren’t just “cancer buddies”; together, their helping make medical history. Both women have been diagnosed with triple negative [...]

Survivors Part 5

Marjory Sheehy In 1999, Marjory Sheehy’s fifteen-month-old daughter was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. “It was 9-9-99,” Marjory explains. “Some people said the world would end that day. It [...]

How Cancer Affects a Family

August 2014: the summer before Rocky was diagnosed Cancer can feel like a nightmare. Diagnosis and subsequent treatment can be devastating to a patient, and it is hard on the patient’s family as [...]

Survivors Part 3

Jennea Sire If you ask any cancer survivor, they’ll tell you that their support system was crucial to their recovery. In Jennea Sire’s case, it wasn’t just the people in her life that helped her [...]