Pioneer Town and Daniels County Museum

If you’re looking for a historic adventure along Montana’s Hi-Line, look no further than Scobey’s Pioneer Town and Daniels County Museum. This 20-acre museum/town is comprised of 35 antique [...]

Lost Lake: A Scenic Adventure

With a name like “Lost Lake,” I assumed this body of water would be somewhat difficult to find. And I wasn’t wrong. Even with a map, I found myself . . . well, lost searching for it. My friend, [...]

Bear Gulch Pictographs

In a 100-foot deep limestone canyon, visitors of the Bear Gulch Pictographs can take in the wonder of approximately 3,000 Plains Indian drawings. Macie Lundin, whose family has owned the property [...]

Winifred International Suites

Exciting things continue to happen in the small town of Winifred. Through the instigation of Norman Asbjornson, and a composite of other local designers’ ideas, a beautiful hotel, restaurant, and [...]

Wolf Point

In 1915, Wolf Point – a town of 340 residents – voted in favor of incorporating as a municipality. A land rush had brought farmers and ranchers to the area following the construction of the Great [...]

The Missouri River

The wild and scenic Missouri River is one of Montana’s greatest natural attractions. This river and many of its tributaries serve as prime locations for rafting, kayaking, fishing, paddle [...]

History and Culture

Hell Roarin’ Gulch: The World Museum of Mining Butte, Montana Stroll back through time on the boardwalks of an authentic reproduction of an 1890s mining town with 50 buildings. A bank, general [...]