We’re spoiled with incredible views in this part of the country. Mountains, rivers, forests, sky—it’s all so grand that sometimes we take it for granted; it takes a truly remarkable view to put our fortune into perspective.

Devil’s Canyon Overlook is one such view.

“It’s really breathtaking,” says Trish McCoy, an avid outdoorswoman. “Where the canyon meets the Bighorn,
it’s spectacular.”

Devil’s Canyon Overlook lies within the Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, not far from the Montana/Wyoming border. McCoy explains that she and (Treasure State Lifestyles’ own) Roland Taylor traveled there on a whim. Both are passionate about photography and travel; it’s unsurprising then that the overlook would be their siren’s call.

Though Devil’s Canyon Overlook did not provide them the challenge they’re accustomed to (no hiking, no kayaking, no physical effort at all really), McCoy acknowledges that the ease of accessibility is perfect for those who aren’t looking for a demanding journey to experience a wonderful view. No matter who you are—the full-blooded adventurer or the casual sightseer—McCoy recommends the trip.

“It’s worth going for the beauty,” she says.

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